A review by cosmicpages
Tigers, Not Daughters by Samantha Mabry


Thank you to NetGalley and Algonquin Young Readers for the free e-ARC in exchange for my honest review. A big thank you for the invitation to participate in the blog tour for Tigers, Not Daughters as well!

Tigers, Not Daughters is a beautifully powerful story that centers on the love and loss among the four Torres sisters: Ana, Jessica, Iridian, and Rosa. After a tragic night in which Ana falls to her death from her bedroom window, the younger sisters must each deal with their grief in their own ways. Jessica tries to gather the broken pieces of the family and take on the role of caregiver to everyone, including their less than helpful father. Iridian withdraws into her novels and her writing, haunted by the guilt of her last conversation with Ana. Rosa wanders the town looking for any little creature in need of her help, following the clues she believes will bring her back to Ana's soul in the form of an escaped zoo animal.

With a dash of magical realism in the form of Ana's ghost, this novel takes a dark twisted turn as you learn more throughout the story of what led to the sisters attempting to run away and Ana's eventual untimely death. With Ana haunting their home, the sisters believe at first that Ana wants them leave and live separate lives, but in the end they learn that all Ana ever wanted was to keep them together and safe.

The side characters definitely push this novel into the 4 star range for me. Peter especially. What a sweetheart! I was rooting for a Peter/Jessica relationship from the very first scene we see them in. I'm so happy that in the end Jessica was finally free from John the abusive s***head boyfriend of hers.

The major themes I've taken away from this novel is that of love, family bonds, grief in its many forms, and the strength that young women can have among tragedy. This fast-paced unforgettable read is amazing and I'd highly recommend it to everyone!