A review by polythenegirl
At the End of Your Tether, Volume 1 by Adam Smith


This was the first ever graphic novel that I got approved for on NetGalley. As you know I've not delved *too* much into the world of graphic novels, just dipping my toes in now and again so this was a bit of a nice change of pace for me. I've been struggling a little bit with reading so this was a welcome change - less pages, still as much story but a lot less time to be put into it.

This was the story of a young guy who tried to find his missing ex girlfriend. He's returning to his old hometown after being away for a few years and he hasn't spoken to her since he left. Turns out she's been missing for the last week. Ludo (our young guy) sets out to find her and whats happened with a lot of bumps and ghosts along the way. I don't want to say much more because I don't want to spoil it.

I really enjoyed this. The story was compelling and twisty with surprises along the way. You do have to bear with it and follow through though, there are things that might not make much sense until further through the story arc. The characters were likeable and well fleshed out considering its all in grapic storyboard format. I really liked Ludo and Arlo and felt a strange connection with them. Even the parents are well represented in this. The artwork itself is stunning and so well done. I really liked this style and I think its testament to how well its done that the story is so well rounded, with depth and fleshed out. My one criticism is the same as a lot of others and that is the concept explored in it isn't always clear. I did sometimes had to read the same couple of pages 3 or 4 times to get where I was in the world that had been built. That being said, I didn't mind that as much as lot of other people because I was so intrigued by it.

3* out of 5* for me on this one!
