A review by theromancebookaddict
Songs of the Wicked by C.A. Farran


2.5 ⭐️-3 ⭐️
Look I didn’t hate this book but I didn’t love it either and I did end up dnf’ing it at 63% I just couldn’t mentally finish it. It was incredibly long and very stale about 30-40% in. It really put me in a reading slump and I was dreading going back to it.
I love the idea of the plot and honestly the first half of the book earns the rating but it wasn’t worth finishing so I would say it’s more 2.5 stars. The plot had potential but I think it could have been split into two books with more substance and romance. The romance gets lost even though it was the main plot to begin with. I assume the original danger come back into it but when I do not know. I just don’t believe they forget about her. Just seems misplaced. I just think if you are going to a long book you have to be careful with how much fluff you add to the book before it gets to much. It had to be done right. This book was lacking. Great concept, but of a let down.