A review by mikhoest
The Headlock of Destiny by Samuel Gately


The Headlock of Destiny is an incredibly entertaining and exciting read all the way through.

I was sold as soon as I read that it mixed fantasy with wrestling, just because of how refreshing that sounded, and I don't think this book could have delivered more than it did here. It mixes fantasy-strawberry with wrestling-cheese to create a great new flavour.

The different wrestlers are all very different from each other, and a surprising amount of them are fleshed out, with full backstories that explain how they came to be. These stories often read like something out of ancient myths, and the decision to have some of them be animalistic, made of clay, or even
, is a perfect example of how inspired this story is when it comes to combining its influences.

The book's pacing is great too. It never gets close to boring because there's always something new and interesting going on, be it a fight against a fresh opponent, a new mystery, or some juicy details about the world's history. The dialogue is snappy and the characters are as charismatic as one would expect from a story with this premise.

I don't know how to end reviews.