A review by gillian66
British Bad Boys Box Set by Lexie Bay, Lucy Felthouse, Lily Harlem, Marissa Farrar, K.D. Grace, Victoria Blisse, Tabitha Rayne


This is a great box set of sexy bad boy reads.
Carved in Ink by Marissa Farrar - Loved this story of Theresa the new owner of a tattoo shop and Art the bad boy tattoo artist such a bad combination that is so very good together.
Fast Lust By Lucy Felthouse - This is the first I have read by this author and will be looking out for more. Gloria is a reporter and Rafe bad boy is a biker that she ends up interviewing...wow what an interview.
In Training by K D Grace -What a very hot reality show story about Lauren and Wolf a must read.
I recommend this set of books if you like hot and sexy bad boys and who doesn't.