A review by lavendermarch
The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine


This was a quick read, taking about 2 hours for me to get through, and a very enjoyable story. I liked Addie, and Rhys, and Meryl, and all the adventures we saw Addie go on during her quest, like her encounters with Vollys and other monsters. One of the things I liked best about this story was the character development that Addie went through. When the story began, she was timid and kind of lame, to be honest, but once she set out on her quest to find a cure for Meryl, she managed to discover new sides of herself, and grow and change, so that she could reach the person she was by the end of the book: ready to fight monsters and go on harrowing adventures for the peace that comes afterwards. So lovely! I do have to say, the reason that my rating is four stars and not five is because sometimes the writing style didn't work for me, and also the beginning of the story, before Addie goes on her quest (about seventy or a hundred pages) is a less interesting by far than her adventures. That said, definitely read until the end! It's worth it, and the romance had me giggling happily a few times, which was fun. Overall, this was a great read, and I would recommend it to fans of fairytales and Gail Carson Levine! 4 stars.