A review by marissacelina
Also Known As by Robin Benway


This book was surprisingly well written! I didn't think I would ever like a book as much as Ally Carter's, Gallagher Girls. But this defiantly shocked me at how much I enjoyed reading this. Just like in the summary, Maggie Silver is a 16 year old safe cracker. One of the bests actually. She's the daughter of 2 infamous spies, that being said, her parents suggest a mission to Maggie that their "boss" gave them. To be a normal 16 year old, attend high school and well.. Befriend a boy ;) This is where the 'romance' part of the story begins. I will admit, I didn't actually read this book because of the romantic part of it. I love spy books ! Which nowadays is sooooo hard! Wanna know why? Cause I'v practically read all of them :( Back to the storyline!! hehehe. Basically, she goes to high school for the first time and finally sees the boy she's supposed to befriend, Jessie Oliver. A lot of event that even surprised me happens and the end is a big shock! The one who surprised me the most would have to be Jessie. I expected him to be some hot, jerk that wouldn't give the time of day to Maggie. Which I was wrong! He was sweet and nice and actually connected with Maggie. This is a must read, I'm telling you !