A review by bookishwendy
Faceless Killers by Henning Mankell


For some reason this Scandinavian crime novel hit the spot. Maybe because the autumn weather is starting to be noticeable here in Southern Arizona (and by that I mean today was a chilly 60 degrees. brrr!) Comparisons to Steig Larsson come to mind (I only read GwtDT#1)--this one is similarly a wintry Swedish police procedural in which a lonely divorcee cop tracks down the perpetrators of a hate crime. Only Faceless Killers is more tightly written and paced. There are zero 100+ page tangents into random Swedish laws and policies. The prose (or translation?) is also more competently handled. However, there are also none of the sensational tattooed ladies or violent sex that made GwtDT so popular. Come to think of it, there's nothing really notable about this novel except that it's...just good. Not great, or unique, but good.