A review by travelsalongmybookshelf
My Name is Lucy Barton, by Elizabeth Strout


My Name Is Lucy Barton - Elizabeth Strout

Lucy Barton is in hospital recovering from an operation and wakes up to find her estranged mother there. She has not seen her for years. Through their talking we learn of Lucy’s rural and difficult upbringing, her Move to the city, marriage and children. But it leaves her with doubts about the life she has made, what she has lost and what she may find.

This novel is exquisite, it is simple yet powerful. The observed minutiae of life are perfectly described, imperfect lives. I actually really liked the relationship between Lucy and her Mother. That even though they hadn’t seen each other for so long, they fell automatically back into their relationship and it felt normal. The shared stories and memories and the effect that they have on your life. Some of the sentences had such poignancy for me, this is like a little capsule of perfection

‘I like writers who try to tell you something truthful.’

Yes I agree, and I like you Elizabeth Strout