A review by noelishi
Heart of the Fae by Emma Hamm


Real rating: 4,5 stars

CAWPILE Rating: 8,46
Characters: 8,5
Ambient / Worldbuilding: 8,5
Writing style: 9,25
Plot: 8,75
Intrigue: 8
Logic / Relationships: 8,25
Enjoyment: 8

I love Emma Hamm's writing style, it is so poetic and engaging. I also fell in love with Sorcha, it is one of my favourite main characters of the year. She is so incredible it is almost impossible for you not to root for her.

The story, as a retelling, also surprised me. The base story (Beauty and the Beast) is definitely there, but it's so subtle and elegant you don't feel like you're only reading the same story over and over again. So well done!