A review by bums
Fantasy's Othering Fetish by P. Djèlí Clark


Fantasy's Othering Fetish By Phenderson Djeli Clark - 3/5

(Note: This is based on the free online version found in three parts on the Media Diversified website, if there are any differences between this version and the £5.65 Kindle version then sorry in advance - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3)

This is an incredibly interesting and informative article that I think any and every fantasy fan should read. It very effectively explains the huge issue that much of fantasy literature has with 'othering' non-European peoples, religions and cultures and how many non-Europeans are cast in both stereotypical and racist roles, intentionally or not, limiting their voices as actual characters and, by extenstion, the people they represent.

I do have some issues with the article however (some of which may seem like nitpicks but I digress) which I'll discuss now -

Equation of skin colour with culture/religion

The article often seemingly paints regions/continents with the same brush. The world is an incredibly diverse place and undoubtedly more of it needs to be better represented in popular literature, however, this applies to Europe as well as the rest of the world.

This article argues that European's, or white people, are often over-represented in fantasy. I'd argue that whilst yes, white people make up an overabundance of main characters in fantasy fiction and that European-like cultures are less likely to be 'othered', this only applies to selective groups in Europe. The main focus of much of Western fantasy has been on western Europe or Greece, verey little time has been spent with focuses on Eastern European cultures or on true representations of Celtic peoples that are not stock savages from the Northern Wastes, coming to take your women and dance naked to heathen gods before the honourable Christian (or in-universe equivalent) goes to righteously slay them.

Europe is vastly over-reperesented yes, but only certain parts, the parts that Tolkien focused on (e.g. the Anglo-Saxon and Norse Legends). There is not much that actually lives and breathes Eastern European mythology (Witcher being an obvious exception) or Celtic mythology (please share any stories that do) without 'othering' it in a similar way.

Misrepresentation of some European art/fossil evidence

The examples used to represent a more diverse nature to Medieval Britian were not very accurate.

St Maurice

This is an image of St Maurice, found throughout Europe (he was patron saint of Holy Roman Emperors) he is the mythological leader of the Roman Theban Legion. He refused to worship the pagan gods of the Roman Empire alongside the rest of the Legion he led and was killed with them as a Christian martyr. It is unknown how true this story is but some of it was likely to have happened. However he lived during antiquity, not Medieval times and most likely never reached Britian.

Black Warrior

This statue was carved in 1715, at the tail-end of what is considered the early modern period in European history when interaction with sub-Saharan Africa was much more common for Europeans (mainly through the Trans-Altantic Slave Trade which was at its hieght at this time). Not an example of Medieval art.


This is one of the Magi (wise men) who supposedly visited Jesus when he was born. Western Christianity (Catholisism and most Protestants) believe only 3 Magi came to Jesus' birth, other Christians say up to 12 did from across the world from Ethiopia (all of sub-Sahan Africa to the Europeans), India and possibly further.

Additionally another aricle is linked discussing the unearthing of a black woman's remains dating back to Roman times but again this was in the Roman era when the world was much more connected by a huge Empire and people moved much more freely. Whilst people of different ethnicities could be found in trading centres across Europe and the world, residents from Africa or Asia (excepting the Romani who, by their culture, travel large distances) were incredilby rare.

Finally, some comments on ASOIAF/Game of Thrones

The article makes a fair point about the 'othering' of the non-white characters as they are often shown to have 'strange, savage ways' or are 'decadent, slave-owners with no morals'. However, I disagree that the Westerosi are portrayed much better, most of those shown in the story are amoral bastards who kill, rape and burn for fun. Sure, the Seven Kingdoms have banned slavery but the lowborn peasants are treated little better than the slaves of Yunkai and Meeren. They are shat upon by the high lords and treated like dirt just the same, their ownership is just a little more vague and loose. However, there is little depth the the cultures outside of Westeros other surface detail and it should be improved.

Additionally, I see Daenerys (bookwise anyway) as more of a deconstruction of the white saivour trope, all of her attempts at 'saving' the people of Meeren end terrilby (people are selling themselves back into slavery for food, disease and dragons have destroyed the city, the noble class have completely turned against her, the economy of the entire region has collapsed and all of the surrounding cities want her dead. In Qarth she has plunged the city into chaos by killing much of its leadership and she'll do the same with the Dothraki). She's also a little insane as we can see from the perspecrtive of the other characters now meeting up with her (who are all white boys, yes another problem).


This may have seen incredibly negative but I really do agree with this article, I just had some serious problems with it as well. Thanks for reading if you have made it this far!