A review by storytimed
The Blackgod by Greg Keyes


A little less tightly plotted than the first one, a little (okay, a lot) too concerned with the sexual and romantic availability of Hezhi, whom, may I remind you, is thirteen, and ruined, ruined, ruined, by the ending where
Spoilerit turns out that Hezhi was all along just a love-interest prop for the white guy, Perkar. He is like, twenty! She is like, thirteen! This is not good! Yeah, sure, they wait a while before getting married or whatever. But it just puts a really bad taste in my mouth, personally, as an East Asian woman, to have a white writer write about a white protagonist eventually romancing an Asian preteen. Total grossness

It's so disappointing, because this was otherwise a really great series with fascinating worldbuilding that I haven't seen in any other fantasy. But that one really nasty of the ending ruined the whole thing.