A review by mrsbooknerd
Life to the Limit: My Autobiography by Jenson Button


I genuinely did not expect to love 'Life to the Limit' as much as I did. Sure, I like Jesper Button and I have a mild interest in Formula One. I wouldn't have classed myself as a super-fan of either prior to reading this book. But I find that there is something compelling about Formula one stars. They are all SUCH personalities. There isn't one who is just bland. There is the one that mouths off, the arrogant one, the angry one, the happy one... whatever or whoever, but they are all personalities.

Getting a chance to delve into one of those personalities was the biggest driving force - pun not intended for a change - for me giving this book a whirl. I had tried [b:Aussie Grit: My Formula One Journey|26023669|Aussie Grit My Formula One Journey|Mark Webber|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1442531925l/26023669._SY75_.jpg|45946858] a while ago, but I really struggled with it, and like an Aussie with a sheared brake line. I DNF. So I genuinely was not expecting to like 'Life to the Limit'.

There was such a brilliant blend of personal and professional. At every stage of Jason's career, there was also the personal progression. Developing relationships whether friendships or relationships, frank discussions about his emotional state at each point... It wasn't a rose-tinted look back, it was honest, a bit warts-and-all.

It had me so invested in Jesper's story that I was full on crying when he won the World Championship and hugged his Dad. I felt so happy for him, and proud because I had been rooting for him for so long, even though I hadn't, I'd just been reading about it all retrospectively.

I think the two elements that really touched me was just how much Jenson loved racing, and the genuine, soul-deep bond that he had with his father. Yes, they argued and had negative moments, and Jason wasn't afraid to tell us about those times, but I also just felt the love. I felt his Dad's pride. I felt it all. Ah man, I may cry again just writing the review.


I find it hard to award 5 star reviews. I reserve them solely for books that I would read again, usually ones that have impacted me deeply, often emotionally. I always, always try to find the reason to mark down to 4 stars. But I cannot do that for 'Life to the Limit'. There wasn't a thing that I didn't enjoy. I genuinely loved it.