A review by bogdanbalostin
How Not to Kill Yourself: A Survival Guide for Imaginative Pessimists by Set Sytes


It may not be the most accurate medical book that deals with depression and anxiety, but it is probably the most honest one. Because, yes, sometimes the only thing keeping us alive is our favorite TV show or our favorite book series and the curiosity to find out the ending. Yes, sometimes the reason is so shallow.

It must also be that the advice (which is not advice) is so relatable to me personally, as this book is a special type of depression, that is either caused by so many external factors that is hard to keep track of all or one that is always there, with no real causes, except a clear view of the world and not being able to accept the only way of living life available to some of us.

It is also a book clearly dedicated to the imaginative pessimists, a certain type of people who cannot accept the rose-tinted glasses of positive psychology, as that goes against every rule of logic and experience (though recently, positive psychology was proven a scam, negative feelings having a strong role in regulating our mental wellbeing).

So no matter if you're having a bad day or a bad life, there are reasons to keep on struggling, even if they're made of just curiosity about weird shit nobody else cares.