A review by tiffani_reads
This Is How We Fly by Anna Meriano


While I enjoyed this book I do not exactly understand how it is remotely a Cinderella retelling. In this book we follow Ellen who is vegan, a feminist, and an environmentalist. She is passionate about all three things to the point of confrontation with her step-mother constantly throughout the book. She does not have any evil stepsisters, nor is her father dead or has he left her with her step-mother.

Throughout the story we see Ellen try and find herself during the summer between high school and college. A period of time when friends change and people move away. She joins a Quidditch team with one of her high school friends to pass the time and ends up finding something she loves to do and people who she loves to be around. Her world changes though when she gets grounded and is forced to do her step-mothers bidding and cleaning chores.

Overall, this book had some good discussions about feminism/environmentalism and how JKR has turned into a piece of trash. It also just shows a small slice of life and parts of what can be the real teenage experience. I know things around the Harry Potter world have become just a dumpster fire and I really tried to remove myself from that part of this book but because this book would still promote people to look into that world, I cannot recommend this book. I am not going to lower my rating because of this, I think that is unfair. This book is well written, discusses a lot of good topics, and has so very meaningful conversations in it. I just wish Ellen had joined literally any other sports team.