A review by whitls
Click: One Novel, Ten Authors by David Almond


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a collection of short stories, so my first impression was that it was going to be rough to read and unenjoyable, boy was I wrong. I picked up this book based off of its unique title and cover (yes I judged a book by its cover). But it was spectacular. Each story was written by a different author and each story was told from a different persons (characters) point of view. The most interesting part was they were all connected through one common character Gee, a photojournalist. Its a unique yet intriguing book. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys adventure, photography, and just hearing about the lives of others.

Language: None
Sex: none, although there is mention of "something" happening to one of the characters but no details just simply a sentence stating just that something scarring happened to a young woman involving an older man.
Drugs: none
Violence: none, but it does mention war veterans and war but not in gruesome detail.