A review by bluebeereads
Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Portes


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

3.5 stars

Well shit. I'm kinda speechless right now. I knew what I was going to say in this review and I knew what I was going to rate it and I was already writing the review in my head and then the end happened and well... shit.

Anatomy of a Misfit is about Anika Dragomir. On the outside, she's the third most popular girl in her High School. Blonde hair, blue eyes and all that. On the inside, she's a weird and kind of nerdy girl with strange and dark thoughts and vampire DNA (her dad is Romanian). When school starts again, former nerd Logan McDonough comes back to school no longer looking like a nerd. Actually he's kind of hot. But Anika can't like him because it would ruin her reputation and who needs him when Jared Kline, the bad boy of every girl's dreams, is showing a lot of interest in her?

So this book was just okay most of it. I liked the narration, Anika has a unique voice even though I do think she needs help. She's really really weird on the inside, but I liked that about her. And yes, for most of the book that was the only thing keeping me reading. That and the promise of a horrible tragedy. Those often save a book, you know. And in this one it was no different. Near the end something horrible happens and it broke my heart, kind of. I did like how it concluded but I'm still left feeling disappointed. And why is that? Let me tell you!

This book has stereotype characters. All of them. The annoying, mean queen bee and her minions. The bad boy everyone wants. The nerd nobody wants to bee seen with and all of the other ones you can think off. And in some books that works fine. Some books pull it off! This one did... almost. I was so frustrated with most of the characters for a huge part of the book. Anika was so stupid for putting up with all of Becky's crap (aka Queen Bee). Most of these characters made so many racist remarks even I was offended. I know that still happens a lot in the world, but I do not want that in a book like this. And also the conversations... I know a lot of teenage girls nowadays like to use the word 'like' a lot in one sentence, but it's so annoying to read. It literally made my head hurt. After a while I had to stop reading because all I could see was the word 'like'. It's annoying to hear, it's even more annoying to read.

Then the other part that bothered me the most. The romance(s). Yes it's kind of sort of a love triangle, but it could've worked so well! And I'm supposed to root for Logan but I really didn't. In case you're wondering, the following will not be a spoiler because it happens really early in the novel and it's obvious. So a few chapters into the book Logan suddenly asks Anika if she wants a ride home because she has to walk and it's very far and he has a moped. Then he brings her home and he kisses her. And that's the first time they even talk to each other. The next chapter we're a few weeks later and they've been seeing each other in secret. There's no build up whatsoever and for me that means no feels. Then we have Jared on the other end and honestly I rooted for him at first. He was surprisingly nice and charming and there was enough build up for me to get into the romance. But then he starts acting like a jerk and Logan is suddenly a sociopath and I'm left with a love triangle where I don't want the girl to end up with either boys. So yeah.

A few more things about some of the characters... Anika may have been a bit frustrating at times, I still liked her as a character. She's funny and weird and I did love her speech in the end. I also loved her mom because she's such a sweetheart. I also kinda liked Shelli. She was nice, but I didn't get to know her enough to love her.

Anatomy of a Misfit could've been much better and for the most part it was only okay. The ending saved it a bit and pushed the rating a bit higher but overall I'm still disappointed. I do encourage you to try it though because while it may not have been for me, you never know if you will feel the same.