A review by writings_of_a_reader
After She Wrote Him by Sulari Gentill


3.5 stars.

I enjoyed reading this author's book The Woman in the Library, so I was excited to give this one a try. From the description it sounded pretty unique, and the first thing I thought when I finished it was that this book was wild! Apparently this is called metafiction, and it's the first book I've ever read like it. I thought going into it that it would alternate points of view in each chapter, and I would be trying to guess who was real and who wasn't until the end. What I wasn't expecting was the way the points of view flowed from one character to the other in the same paragraphs. It was interesting the way it was done. This was definitely a slow burn of a book, and it took me a little while to really get into it, but there was a point somewhere in the middle where I was glued to it. My one big complaint is that the ending was very unsatisfying. I enjoyed reading the author's comments on the book at the end, and how she got the idea to write it. Apparently she put a lot of herself into Madelyn, which I found interesting. Would I recommend this? Yes, even with the unsatisfying ending, I'm still glad I read it.
