A review by akshay_bonala
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens


This is a classical read, So the writing style is very hard to understand if you are new to reading/ if you are not much familiar with nuances of Brits English. This was my first Classic read from Charles Dickens and although I'm an avid reader, this book was so hard to follow through as many words and sentences were related to the old British literature style.

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The story follows our protagonist Pip, who is an orphan, stays with her sister. Although he belongs to a poor background always dreams of becoming a gentleman. As Pip grows up, a series of surprising events take place which makes him travel to new places, make new friends, find is love of life and also go through some heartbreaks.

So basically we will be following Pip's journey from being a small village boy to a grown gentleman. Whats makes this story intriguing is the set of events take place in this journey surprisingly, then he expects someone he knows did it but at the end when the story unfolds all his expectations were wrong.

This story was good for me, but it didn't connect with me as much as it should due to the difficulty of writing style. It took me very long to complete this book and also put me into reading slump.