A review by nannyf
Project ELE by Rebecca Gober, Courtney Nuckels


A virus has killed at least half the worlds population. It has been decided that, in order to save the remaining population, shields put up to seal the holes in the ozone layer should come down. The hope is that the resulting increase in heat will kill off the virus.

Shelters have been built to house people for at least 2 years. Only those deemed acceptable may enter, those who are clear of the virus and are young enough to be of use.

Willow Mosby and her family are one of the families waiting to be allowed into the shelter. After being examined, however, only Willow and her father can enter.

Life is strange inside the shelter, but normal life continues in some ways. Children go to school, men work, but the children are also given work duties outwith school life. Through her work Willow meets Alec, Connor and Claire. They quickly become friends and decide to explore their surroundings a bit more.

What they find on these explorations will change all of them for ever. It quickly becomes obvious that there is something more going on in the shelter than just a place to stay.

This story is almost like two in one. The first part is about people trying to survive in a strange place, a confined space, and learning to get along with each other. Or not as the case may be.
The second part is about the developing abilities of Willow, Alec, Connor and Claire and how they deal with the fallout from them.

The authors have written a story which draws you in very quickly. The development of the characters, and the relationships they form, is very well done. They then turn the story into something else completely, which I was not expecting. The story doesn't feel rushed in any way, nor does it seem too slow, it is paced just right, and it kept my attention all the way through.

The ending provides a promise of something more, a bit different, in the next book of the series. I am now away to buy the next 3 books from Smashwords.