A review by kingjason
HSTQ: Fall 2018 by John Grochalski, Stephanie Wytovich, Ben Newell, Ryan Quinn Flanagan, India LaPlace, John Dervishian, Mike Zone, John Patrick Robinson, Rodney Gardner, Casey Renee Kiser, Rob Plath, J.J. Campbell, Benjamin Blake, Leah Mueller, Angelica Arsan, Parker Jamieson, Keith Rawson, Tim Ashworth, Bradford Middleton, Johnny Scarlotti, Justin Mank, Arthur Graham, James D. Casey IV, Mendes Biondo


The 2nd anniversary of HSTQ, this has some great poems to celebrate this momentous occasion.

Straight away we get strong poems by Leah Mueller and J. J. Campbell (one of my favourites by JJ). My favourite was ridiculous male bravado by John Grochalski, brings back memories of the idiots I went to school with, organised fights that end up being all mouth and no action.

The best title goes to Onomatopoetic Supervillain Junkie by James D. Casey IV, also a great poem, stalking following his blog after reading this one.

The collection is finished off with a fine poem by India Laplace.

This issue was fantastic from start to finish.