A review by lucy_qhuay
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa


Let me just say that, usually, I am not much of a fan of dystopian fiction.
That being said, well, I thought that The Immortal Rules was pretty good. :)
Allison Sekemoto is an interesting character. It was very curious to see how, as human, she hated vampires until the last fiber of her being but then, confronted with a certain death, she chose to be the exact same creature she most dispised in the whole world. The irony!!
And her struggle between who she was and who she is now is also very interesting to read about. Once a human who hated vampires to her very core and now a vampire, she doesn't see herself as one of the blooduckers. She keeps on dispising them therefore, she also dispises herself for being one.
I wonder if she will ever overcome her hatred.
But she didn't really think about what she was about to do when she chose to be a vampire. I mean, if it was me, I would prefer to die! Being a vampire sucks!! The constant hunger, no heartbeat, nothing ever changing, not being able to walk around during sunlight, people being afraid of you and not trusting you. And immortality! What would I do for eons and eons?? And what would I do seeing the ones I loved dying?? Ughh, it is not worth it!!
Speaking of vampires, I am totally looking forward to know more about Allie's sire, Kanin. He is such an absorbing character! He is very intriguing, indeed. Such mystery. And he seems to be so cold but then we see that that's not true. He cares for Allie. And he wants a cure to rabidism, so he also cares for the humans, *Sigh*
And, of course, I had to talk about Zeke. He is such a sweetheart. *.*
And he has seen such evil and pain...And he has a great burden to carry :( I'm so sorry for that.
I was totally pissed off when I found out that Jebbadiah hit him!! :@ Psycho old freak -.-' Who did he think he was?? -.-'
Whatever!! Well, I loved Zeke and he is always so sweet and protective and caring that I was a bit shaken up when he sent Allie away, after finding out she was a vampire. I wasn't expecting that!!
But hell, I can't judge him!! I would probably do the same. I mean, who wants a vampire around?? :/
Unless the vampire is Stefan Salvatore xD Or Lucius Vladescu xD Or Simon Lewis xD