A review by mike_danley
Cherish: The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage, by Gary L. Thomas


Was recommended this book by our therapist. Overall very good, insightful and certainly helpful. Where it fell flat for me however, was obviously just the constant barrage of religious musings. Now I know this is written by a Christian writer and it's obviously the angle he's coming from, so certainly not gonna hold that against him. But for a thoroughly lifelong ungodly heathen like myself, the Jesus stuff just really took me out of it at times and was quite a struggle to get through and take seriously. That being said, had this book not had all that in it and cut down to half its size, it would be just as useful and the general message would still ring true. If I'm being completely fair, even some of the religious metaphors sometimes hit right too, so I'm not gonna totally discard that stuff, even if I don't have faith. Would thoroughly recommend this to anyone though that wants the best from their relationships. I'm certain I'll be dipping into certain chapters again over time to keep the message fresh in my mind.