A review by elizabaum
The Red Chrysanthemum by Linda Beutler


Reread 10/9/16

I enjoyed this the second time around, though I'll admit I skimmed some of the middle bits and skipped most of the epilogue.

Original read 12/16/15

This is the third (and I think last) of this author's P&P based books I've read. I was really impressed with both the style and the depth of story in the first one, and I'm glad to see that quality continued here. I'm always in favor of Darcy and Elizabeth getting more time together in a story, and I liked that the subtle variation here allowed for that. There were times when I thought Darcy was a bit too gushy and romantic, and the things that kept them apart
(mostly the mutual disbelief that the other loved him/her)
dragged on a bit farther than was probably believable...but the only part that truly dragged (and my only true complaint) was the ending after their marriage. I think this is partially because I only recently read [b:Longbourn to London|22910648|Longbourn to London|Linda Beutler|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1409115412s/22910648.jpg|42475179] by this author, and there was a lot of repetition. It might not have bugged me if I hadn't had the other fresh on my mind.

Overall, though, I really enjoyed this, and I would read another by this author, if she ever writes one.