A review by serenaac
Everyday Writing: Tips and Prompts to Fit Your Regularly Scheduled Life by Midge Raymond


Everyday Writing: Tips and Prompts to Fit Your Regularly Scheduled Life by Midge Raymond is a slim volume with purpose — to get those writers back to the words on the page. Raymond is a busy woman, like most writers, and she holds a full-time job in addition to writing. Her advice is on point and should be taken to heart — by me especially. The book is broken down into two main sections — tips on how to become a writer and stay in that mode and a series of writing prompts broken down my expected writing duration.

I’ve got a semi-unconventional review today. This book offers me more motivation than ever. With the toddler running around and the full-time job, plus the additional stress I’ve been under lately, I need a good kick in the butt to get me back to writing.

Read the full review: http://savvyverseandwit.com/2012/10/everyday-writing-by-midge-raymond.html