A review by thirty37seven
Ignite by Sara B. Larson


I'm one chapter in and Alex has tightened her fingers around the hilt of her sword 3 or 4 times now. We've already got a weird tic, better than blushing all the time or being clumsy at least.

I knew the second
showed up that this was going to turn into a Little Mermaid scenario. It was instantly obvious.

Oh, fuck off Rylan.
Spoiler"Well, now that Alex and Damian are engaged it's time for me to be a dick to them because she didn't choose me."
He's acting like a little bitch and I'm getting sick of his shit.

... Well fuck ...
SpoilerI didn't want him to be held captive, mind-controlled and crippled. Goddammit, another rescue mission. This makes me look forward to the next book even less than I already was because there's going to be a lot of Alexa thinking about Rylan and how much he means to her and what a great friend he's been and how she can't imagine life without him and yadda yadda. Been there, read that.

Can the power of love friendship save Rylan from Rafe's mind-control? Will Alexa be an idiot and not tell Damian that she's under Rafe's control as well? Tune in next time!