A review by jennykeery
Day by Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne


'Day by Day Armageddon' was a good, quick read. I liked the methodical main character and thought that his military background allowed for an interesting perspective on survival. However, I disliked the idea that the zombies retain some basic memories (at one point a zombie successfully enters a passcode for a door...) as this raises them above being mindless monsters and makes me question why they don't seem to remember people, or other useful things like how to open normal door handles. It also removes my fear of them (mostly, anyway! I may still have checked behind the shower curtain after reading it). That said though, as with most apocalypse fiction my favourite parts were the snippets of the lives (and usually deaths!) of normal people that the main characters stumble across when scavenging or hunting, and Bourne does these passages really well.