A review by curseofachilles
Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi


I read someone else’s review and they pointed out how this book could work much better if it’s a play instead of a novel. And that’s when I found out that the author is a playwright.

I’ve never seen an immaculately polished production of a play so I have zilch opinions but I think this book in itself offers a minimalistic story with grand themes. How a book that explores relationships between people notwithstanding of time could be smashed together in one setting of a dimly-lit basement café, I would never know.

I feel like the characters could be explored in a deeper level because everyone is like a stratosphere with no real qualities but maybe that’s because the book is extremely short. The writing is… okay at best, annoying sometimes and it’s written in a way that is… not lyrical??? I don’t know how to say it but it doesn’t flow as well as books are supposed to.

The concept, albeit offering more plot holes, is unique. The subplot of each characters, I think, is deeply rooted in Asian culture because I’ve seen people complaining about how “conservative” this book is and I, coming from an Asian country, could see that but its literally how Asians live lol.