A review by idratherbereading542
Living Dead in Dallas by Charlaine Harris


I know this is another paranormal series that I'm probably one of the last of five people to read. But I actually read Dead Until Dark a little over a year ago and I really didn't like it all that much. Mostly it was a problem with the relationship between Sookie and Bill. I wasn't buying it. It was very unrealistic and cold and I just didn't really want to sit through book after book of their boring relationship and Bill's extremely dull personality. So I set it aside, not really sure whether I would continue or not. Here I am, a little over a year later and I've decided to try and pick up the series again. It's just that it's such a popular series that I would really like to be apart of as far as the talk about the new books and such. Plus I really want to watch the TV show and although I know that you don't really have to read the books first (or at all), I sort of want to.

I liked this one a lot better than I liked Dead Until Dark, but I still didn't love it. I didn't have all that much reading time this past week because of family being in town for the holidays, so the fact that I couldn't really sit down with it in a quiet and undisturbed place could be playing a role in that. However, I don't think that's the whole deal.

I think where I do have problems still revolves mostly around still the relationship between Sookie and Bill seeming very cardboard, and also just the dialog in general. The story and plot wasn't bad, but the dialog just seems so awkward and doesn't really flow very well.

One thing I did really like about this book though was getting some more Eric page time. Although he's not a huge character at this point, I of course know that he plays a bigger role in the future books. I liked his character in this one and he made me laugh a few times so that was good. I'm definitely looking forward to more of him in the future books.

Also I liked Sookie better in this one than I remember liking her in the first one. Of course, I read that over a year ago so I can't very clearly remember ALL of my opinions on the book. But I do remember I found her a bit annoying and I wasn't really getting any annoying vibes from her in this one.

So overall, it wasn't bad, but still not really anything to brag about in the Urban Fantasy genre (in my opinion). This book definitely gave me the push to want to continue on with the series at least for a few more books to see how that goes. I have a feeling they'll get a bit better as they go on. So I'm glad I picked this one up and I'm looking forward more to the rest of the series.