A review by lizabethstucker
Modern Mythmakers: 35 Interviews with Horror & Science Fiction Writers and Filmmakers by Michael McCarty


Michael McCarty is not just the interviewer, he is a fan and someone who worked as both a freelance writer and a staff writer at SciFi, now SyFy, Channel's official website. His love for horror and science fiction shines through many of the questions submitted to the people in the genres.

Some of the people interviewed include Ray Bradbury, Ramsey Campbell, Neil Gaiman, Laurell K. Hamilton, Dean Koontz, Frederik Pohl, Richard Matheson, Whitley Strieber, Timothy Zahn, John Saul, Christopher Moore, George Clayton Johnson, John Carpenter, Cassandra Peterson, Dan Curtis, and so many more.

Don't expect an in-depth series of interviews as you won't get them. Depending on the interviewee, the questions range from the casual to more specific, but none went as far as I wish they had. However, there are still gems to be found here. Ray Bradbury realizing how he had been leading up to FAHRENHEIT 451 in many of his earlier short stories. Neil Gaiman discussing the unexpected commercial success of SANDMAN. You get the point.

Was this collection of interviews interesting? Yes, mostly. Do I wish we had more depth to the questions? Definitely. Based on the flow of many of the questions and answers, it appears that most of these interviews were written, eliminating any follow-ups. That was, to me, the weakest part of the book. A good example of that is the interview with Forrest J. Ackerman versus that with Ramsey Campbell. Or pretty much the majority of the interviews. 3 out of 5.