A review by jfleck206
Ultraviolet by R.J. Anderson


Ultraviolet started as a solid five star read. 17-year-old Alison lets you know right up front that she's in a mental institution because she killed the most beloved, perfect girl at school. Her sensory descriptions and experiences are all jumbled, which makes for fabulous writing because you get to know what sounds taste like and how words smell. Slowly unfolding mystery + lyrical descriptive language = scrumptious reading. And then... snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, the out-of-left field game showed up. Deus ex machina would be a polite way to term it, but I think Goodreads reviewer Elle is more accurate when she simply says, "WTF." (If you want the complete review with spoilers, it's here: http://www.goodreads.com/review/show/175802966) To make matters worse, what started as an introspective murder mystery degenerates quickly into another one of those romances where the chemistry between the characters is described in nauseating (unrealistic) detail. Sigh. I look forward to reading more books from this author because I liked her writing, but I'm hoping that the plotting gets a little better.