A review by dadu
Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand


DNF @90%

When it's "the" end scene and you could care less about who will live and who will die, you know it's not a great read.

This book tried to do so much. The premise is great - an old family secret, some demons, and the eerie atmosphere of being on an isolated rock that is actually called Sawkill.

After the first 40 pages, things started speeding up without any explanation or reason. Books are discovered (and quickly translated from Latin), secret society pops up, men are evil, women are eaten to suppress their own hunger, asexuality makes an appearance, throw in a sex scene, and you have most of the book covered.

There isn't one central theme and it is infuriating. I could not connect with the characters except for Val, who's painted as a villain. She had the most dimensional progression in the entire book. Zoe needs a dose of... something, because that girl cannot decide what to complain about or who to bother next.