A review by lvail1030
The Savior's Sister by Jenna Moreci


This book was so unnecessary. We really didn't learn any new information. Maybe some background info on what Brontes' whole plan was, but I feel like that could have been summed up by Leila in another book, as that set up a whole new plotline that wasn't resolved here. In my opinion, this book should have been combined with The Savior's Champion, perhaps just told in a duel-perspective story.
Tobias was even more insufferable here than in the first book. Since we were not in his head here, he had even less characterization than before. He felt like a wooden slab (which is saying something, because he felt like that in the first book, just even more so here), the author's version of basically the perfect man, with literally no flaws. Leila was also quite unlikeable. Although she was mostly an active protagonist and had the whispers of characterization that I usually like in female characters, it seemed like just that, whispers of a good character. It felt like the author was shoving her "badass" status down our throats and her skill level varied wildly. She was strong and a good sword-wielder one minute, and then completely helpless the next.
The dialogue was very strange. It's clear that this world was inspired by ancient Rome and some of the lines felt that they belonged to this time, but mostly the dialogue was very modern, so the result was that I really had no sense of this world. It was confusing.
Speaking of world-building, there was barely any. This was a problem in the first book as well. I felt that it was a little better here, but not really. The book almost always suffered from white room syndrome.
I also feel that this book could not pick a focus or genre. Was this supposed to be mainly a romance? Or mainly a fantasy/adventure? It felt that the main plot was Leila trying to get to the bottom of her assassination, but there was A LOT of romance built in, and the two storylines did not intersect well. Just about all of the romance scenes stopped the main plot dead in its tracks. I started to reflect on the romance scenes and after a while decided to start asking myself--"how do these scenes affect the story?" And the answer is...they didn't. After almost every romance scene between Tobias and Leila, nothing about the plot changed. No new information was learned. The only thing that changed was their attraction towards one another/relationship with each other. And if that is the ONLY thing that changes, then I feel that at least half of these scenes could have been cut out.
Lastly, the ending. Actually, what ending? There was no ending. There was the beginning of another scene? Was that supposed to be the ending? Nothing was resolved at the end. SIGH.