A review by kellyhook_readsbooks
Four Hundred Souls: A Community History of African America, 1619-2019 by Ibram X. Kendi


This Nonfiction November review will stick with me long after November has passed. FOUR HUNDRED SOULS: A Community History of African America is a rich compilation of authors, poets, and historians that tells the chronological history Black America from 1619 to 2019. The voices of the people captured in this tome are ones that history has overlooked. These pages amplify Black voices and stories that history can suppress, but not erase.

At times this book felt like work, and that is a good thing. This work is heart-softening and mind-opening. It’s necessary work that incites change in my own unconscious bias and informs the way I raise my children.

Over the course of months, I read this book in print and audio. The full cast audio narration breathes life and humanity into these powerful stories. Reading a chapter a day gave me time and space to process in a thoughtful way, and I'd highly recommend this format.

I am thankful for #ownvoice authors who continue to offer up their written words and emotional labor to celebrate their history and educate me in the process.