A review by meredith_sparks
The Lying Game by Ruth Ware


When 15-year-old Isa Wilde is sent to Salten boarding school she becomes fast friends with Thea, Kate, and roommate Fatima. The two newcomers, Isa and Fatima, join Thea and Kate in The Lying Game. They quickly alienate themselves from the other girls, faculty, and locals alike. 

There are five rules to The Lying Game: Tell a lie, stick to your story, don't get caught, never lie to each other, and finally, know when to stop lying. 

When something terrible happens and all four girls are "expelled" from Salten they drift apart. However, there is one major lie they have each continued to hold onto. 

When Kate sends a text to the three other girls saying "I need you" they all come running back to Salten. Now that they are back, they know that the lie they've held onto for so long is beginning to unravel. They must decide how far they are willing to go to keep what they think happened almost twenty years ago under wraps. 

This is told through Isa's perspective. She's in her thirties, has a six-month-old baby, Freya, and she lives in London with her partner Owen. Although we get to see little glimpses of the past to me it wasn't enough to fully understand why the girls were so close and so fast. Or why they would go to such lengths to cover up the truth. There was all this talk about the time they spent at the Mill together but not enough detail for my liking. This was a good and quick read though. Another in the positive pile for Ruth Ware.