A review by dreamerfreak
Dark Jenny by Alex Bledsoe


[a:Alex Bledsoe|644349|Alex Bledsoe|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1312811497p2/644349.jpg] writes an amazing new twist to the classic tragedy of Arthur and Guinevere in the latest Eddie LaCrosse novel. When a mysterious coffin is delivered to the tavern housing Eddie's office, Eddie tells the true tale of what happened on the island of Grand Bruan seven years ago when the happy peace established by King Marcus collapsed. The legends told since then haven't quite gotten it right, and Eddie just might be the only one still alive who knows the truth... even if it's not so glamorous.

I loved the first two Eddie LaCrosse novels, and Dark Jenny didn't disappoint me in the least. A little younger, but no less stubborn (and cynical), Eddie always amuses. Through accusations of murder, treasonous plots, broken fingers, and magic of all sorts, he still manages to unravel the snarled secrets that have been brewing for two decades and more. Don't count on knowing the ending of this book, just because you know the legend that inspired it. Dark Jenny is a fascinating mystery that will keep you wondering even after you've finished.

The only thing that kept this from being a full five star review was that I wished that there was more of the "present" time involved in the story. But that's why I'm waiting so impatiently for the next book.

[I received this book for free through First Reads and was not required to write a positive or any other type of review. All opinions stated herein are solely my own.]