A review by markalkman
A Posy Of Promises by Sharon Dempsey


I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley. Opinions are entirely my own.

Honestly? It was a fun read but it felt kind of all over the place. There were quite a few nice moments but that's all it is. I think the author could've made it a much better book if she decided to add another 100 pages. I get it, Ava's story came to a close for her but there were still so many unanswered questions and random plotlines that made this book definitely a bit meh for me. Also, the timeline was very weird with gaps consisting of days, weeks or even months. Plus, I really don't get why we were supposed to root for Ava and this Joseph character when we know absolutely nothing about him? All we know is that he's a developer and he lives in Sillicon Valley and he grew up with Ava and they have a weird thing about squids. It was an OK read but not even a cute love story and all the characters felt really flat and one dimensional. I won't be recommending this book any time soon.

I will be, however, editing this review at some point. Probably.