A review by clacksee
MARiiMO by Tyrel Pinnegar


This is hard science fiction – the primary focus is on the real-world science in the story. But it ain't your granddad's hard sci-fi. The secondary focus is much more personal and intimate: what does it mean to belong, to be loved, to be human. And it's this secondary layer that will punch you in the gut (in the best possible way).

Tammy is a roboticist working to build a prototype robot. Over the course of story, which is told in the form of a log of her work, Tammy gradually reveals more of herself to the reader.

What a powerful story – with excellent neurodivergent, disability, and LGBTQIA+ rep. Highly recommended. Mariimo was published three years ago and, to date, is the author's only published story. I hope it doesn't remain so.