A review by romancejunkie
Kings of Quarantine by Susanne Valenti, Caroline Peckham

Did not finish book. Stopped at 52%.
Sweet sparkling Christ was this book  awful. Just…awful. First of all, if you’re not from the US, are not going to use US English, and are going to use UK (???) foods/idioms/vocabulary, why TF would you set your fictional town in the US? I truly do not understand. 

Second, I’ve never hated characters as much as I hated these—Saint especially. He had zero—and I mean *zero*—redeeming qualities. He was a fuckwit of the highest proportions, and I hope he got the taint punching he deserves (though I’m sure what he actually got was a wet, desperate, and panting Tatum 🙄). 

Third, don’t give me an “alpha” heroine if she never actually comes out on top. Oh, she’s a pro at mixed martial arts? And she’s trained in self defense? Yet she cannot do anything but flop upside down as these assholes cart her off somewhere? If that’s how it needs to go, fine. But don’t bullshit your readers by telling them things are one way and then showing something totally different. 

I bought this audiobook, and I’m eating the cost because I literally cannot stand to listen to one more second of this. What even is the point?? 

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