A review by frosty_the_bookman
Across That Bridge: A Vision for Change and the Future of America by John Lewis


A clarion call for Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Zers endowing us with the blueprints and framework necessary to continue the fight for justice and equality that still eludes many today.

John Lewis, son of sharecroppers, brings new meaning to anyone can make a difference by sketching out his transcendence from farm boy to freedom rider to political juggernaut. His is a story of bravery, triumphs, set-backs, and dogged perseverance, that will inspire anyone looking to agitate against the biased systems that govern us today. He provides sage advice on how to properly protest to effect meaningful change, starting with educating yourself on the laws, politics, and/or politicians you oppose. In other words, “Know your enemy.”

Whether you’re a neophyte activist still in their teens or early 20s, or a seasoned agitator who may have marched side-by-side with Senator Lewis himself, this book will motivate you to stay the course, and carry on the social activism torch that he and other Civil Rights pioneers left behind.