A review by amberreadsromance28
Hush, Hush by Lucia Franco


2.5 Stars

I have seen a lot of people hype this book, but it did not work for me. I feel bad because I love Lucia and her Off Balance series, but I hated all of the characters in this book. The heroine was one of the most immature and selfish characters I have read. I was hoping she would have some type of growth or redemption....nope. She was a selfish liar through the entire book.

Possible Spoilers below.

She did awful things in this book, and I am not talking about being an escort. She lied, cheated, and betrayed her best friend. She literally strung on her boyfriend, who she didn't even care about, while she was lying about being an escort. He told her about how his fiancé cheated on him with his best friend and that he wanted an honest and faithful relationship. She should have told him the truth than. When she starts to exclusively see James, her best friend's dad, he asks her to break up with her boyfriend which she doesn't do. There was absolutely no reason to keep seeing the boyfriend while screwing other men and constantly lying about it.

James wasn't any better. He cheated on his wife and did not give a shit about his daughter. He forced his way into being with Aubrey by offering a large amount of money, even though he knew it would hurt his daughter. Then he calls Aubrey a whore when he finds out she was still with her boyfriend even though he is paying her. 

Also, we are told how close Aubrey is with her grandma, but she barely visits her. It is completely obvious her grandma is sick, and she never steps up to help with her care or with a better doctor even though James gave her millions....

I was happy the friend comes after her when she discovered the truth. She deserved it. I was annoyed how fast the end wrapped up and that the friend completely forgave her. 

Then they end up together in the epilogue...like what. This was not a romance! It was an erotic book with a bunch of sex and zero romantic connection. Most of the sex isn't even with James.