A review by kirchersmiles
Never Let Me Go by A.M. Myers


Never Let Me Go (Bayou Devils MC Book 6) by A.M. Myers

5+++++ Stars

I am so much in love with this series I can’t hardly stand myself. I want to go back and start from the beginning and read them all over again.

This one has me confused because in a sense it might just be my favorite in the series, but then at the same time not. I loved the story, I adored the characters, and Juliette might just be one of my favorite females leads ever. My problem lies with feeling like there was not enough of the club like in the other books. I missed that, I missed all the other people I have come to love and my only wish is that there was more of them and the MC involved. Don't get me wrong, they were there but just not as involved as Im used to.

In saying that I loved the concept of this book, I kind of had suspicions at the very first lawyer visit of what might be happening but that didn't matter because how it was all written was vintage AM Myers. I read it in one sitting and hated when it was over.

I can not wait for more from the Bayou Devils and truthfully just anything by this author. It's an auto one click for me.

Loved It!!