A review by ladywithaquill
Feel Me by Cecy Robson


While this book got off to a bit of a slow start for me, I ended up really connecting well with the characters and getting connected to their individual stories. There was romance, of course, but there was also a lot of deep topics brought up - rape, child abuse, cancer - and those brought the story to life for me. It wasn't just about one man and one woman falling in love. It was also about their growth in character and their personal struggles with those issues.

Declan O'Brien is close to becoming the youngest District Attorney in Pennsylvania's history, and the next step in accomplishing that is to work alongside the one person who has never fallen for his charm - Melissa Fenske, the current DA's daughter. Melissa was born with hearing loss, and after a narrow escape from a rapist at the age of six, she was adopted by the DA in charge of her case. When he develops colon cancer, he asks Declan to be acting DA while he undergoes treatment, and in addition Declan is asked to work with Melissa as head of the Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Unit. The two immediately clash, but as they get to know each other, a different kind of spark begins to fly. But is Declan ready to commit and can Melissa learn to trust him despite his reputation?

I wasn't sure if I would be able to connect with Melissa and Declan initially. For the first few chapters, I struggled to understand them beyond the fact that Melissa was disabled and Declan was a player. However, as they interacted more and their true characters emerged, I was intrigued and excited to read what came next. I loved how their relationship developed, although it was difficult when things got hairy and Declan struggled with his ability to love another person. That became frustrating, especially when Melissa didn't trust him enough to give him room to realize his feelings for her. It all worked out, of course, but if you're expecting a romance novel with an easy happily-ever-after, this isn't it. It's raw and gritty, and it feels very much like real life.

This is the second book I have read by Cecy Robson, and I look forward to reading more! She creates amazing characters and brings out the best emotions in a reader.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**