A review by cityofstarlight_library
The Five-Year Plan by Carla Burgess


Cheers Netgalley/publisher for sending me the book.

A cheesy, fluffy read to brighten up your isolating days. (yes it is rather cheesy but I'm literally living for all the cheese right now. Give it all to me pls)

Well, this was cute! If you like slow-burn romances, nature, animals, the english countryside and sassy irishmen, you'll like this. I read this pretty quick considering it's quite a long book. This book involves a lot of camping, otters (you learn a lot about them and YAS I love otters), friendship, family and it talks a lot about spontaneity. Taking chances and doing what you love.

I actually took something away from this as I'm someone who is very into planing where I want to be in the future and this book nails that it's not all it's cracked up to be. Because honestly? It isn't always. People and opportunities come into your life and sometimes your ambitions are not always as great as they were five years ago. Burgess definitely demonstrates this through Orla's experiences.

I recommend you let this book take you out of your isolation (not literally, stay at home) and to go camping by the river, watching otters, talking about the future under the stars with a nature photographer. We need to escape what's going on right now!

The only downside, as I said, was that it felt a little too long. I think around 60% I was like 'okay, these conversations are going on for ages' or 'just get to the end now pls' but it was still enjoyable. Trust me, if I was bored, I'd DNF this. The characters were likeable enough for me to carry on and I wanted to see where it went.
Oh and I wish Orla would be quicker and better at making decisions. She'd um and ahh about something for so long when we all know what she's going to do. But who am I to talk, I can never make decisions.

TFYP is romantic, sweet, full of ambition and passion for what means the most to you. Very adorable.