A review by babs_reviews
The Girl Upstairs by Georgina Lees


This one was enjoyable; it was what I call a slow-burn thriller. It's definitely got the edge to be psychological and leaves you wondering what will happen but not in a way you feel panicked or on the edge. We also get a healthy look into how depression works and can fundamentally change pieces of you.

You see people every day, some you know and some you don't. Those who live next to you, how well do you actually know them?

I found it to be written with good details left behind like breadcrumbs. You can tell you are heading toward the answer but it's not spelled out quite yet. I like books like this because it forces your mind to slow down and enjoy the journey of the characters.

My only hang up was the end and the twist; it was a good shock factor but I like to have some solid reasoning behind some actions; senseless motivation isn't something that sits well.

Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins UK; One More Chapter for allowing me to review the ARC.