A review by bookishplansandthings
City Love by Susane Colasanti


2.5 stars

Let's just say that this book is the reason I don't read romance books, or love stories. They're cheesy, so unrealistic and just so predictable. There's no originilaty. First of all, I want to go on record to say I'm in a happily, loving and committed relationship, and have been for the past six years. I have nothing against love. If anything, I love love. I love being in love. With that said, I just think love stories are so... blah. I can do cheesy, I'm OK with cute, fluffy reads (or movies), but sometimes, maybe it's the author's writing, but sometimes the romance cam fall short of sweet and then it becomes boring and over the top corny. It took me so long to read this book that I actually regret finishing it. I contemplated DNFing this book but wanted to give this author a chance since I own a few more of her books, but it was so hard to focus and so hard to get into the story when the plot line was all over the place! In no way am I bashing the author, I will be giving her other books a try, I think this more of my personal problem towards romance stories. It's hard to sweep me off my feet and make my heart skip a beat or get me to be this mushy person (I swear, I'm a great gf, hahahah) but this was a difficult read. I couldn't relate to any of the characters, and the story ended just as two characters were in the middle of a conflict and I'm not sure whether that was an intentional cliffhsnger, not that it matters since the storyline was so wacky, immature and so bland to start with. If you're looking for a romance with an early teenaged mentality, this is the book for you.

**please excuse any grammatical or spelling errors as I am writing this whilst putting my son to sleep :)**