A review by lisaeirene
The Kid: (What Happened After My Boyfriend and I Decided to Go Get Pregnant) an Adoption Story by Dan Savage


I'd never read any of Savage's books before. I have read his advice/sex column in various papers here in Portland. I liked his raw, gritty writing style. The book was interesting and fast paced. There were only a few parts where he droned on a little bit about gay rights and politics. I say droned because I am already on par with what he believes in and agreed with the political stuff/gay rights/gay adoption, etc.

What I liked best about this book was the open, honest relationship he had with his boyfriend. They had problems and fought like normal couples do. He wasn't trying to portray their relationship as perfect and I appreciated that. I also liked how they balanced each other out in their faults, too.

The other cool part about the book was reading about Seattle and Portland. I'm from Seattle and live in Portland and recognized all the landmarks and restaurants, etc.

Savage and his boyfriend did an open adoption. Adoption is something I feel very strongly about and have read a ton of books about the topic in preparation for possibly adopting (at one point in my life). What I didn't know was pretty much anything about open adoption--which is what they did. He gave a great, in detail rundown on the process. I don't think open adoption is something that would ever appeal to me, but I liked reading about their experiences.

Great book! Highly recommend it.