A review by regencyfan93
André by Jayce Ellis


I felt like Harold was an Obi-Wan Kenobi character. He made sure that people were in the right place for their career.

I enjoyed seeing Phil in the last scene with Mrs. Pennington.

I appreciated seeing all of the African-American characters in professional jobs. Of course they would be financial advisors, not the one token to show diversity. I am probably not saying this well, that I am glad to see a world where white isn't the default setting.

From what I know of DC, I wonder if I worked in that office building. Also, are Fiona and Mr. Johnson in other books in this series? I'd like to see more of them.
My rating - 5 outstanding, 4 - I liked this and will re-read it, 3 - I enjoyed it though may not re-read, 2 - I kept going because I had to see how it ended, 1 - Whatever time I spent with this book is time I'll never get back to my regret.