A review by melaniesreads
The Waiting Rooms by Eve Smith


This book was a very personal read for me, for a multitude of reasons. I have for a long time held the belief that people take drugs like sweets and this cannot go on. I have had antibiotics three times in my life, that I know of, which at 47 I think is pretty good. I was in hospital for two weeks last year and had to have IV antibiotics, now imagine if they hadn’t worked due to resistance or I was over 70 so was not allowed them. I know if this highly plausible book became reality I would be deemed unworthy of treatment. Shocking isn’t it!

This book follows three equally captivating characters, Kate an end of life nurse at the waiting rooms facility, Lily a care home resident rapidly approaching seventy and Mary, a young botanist living in South Africa, searching for a cure using plants for Tuberculosis before the crisis. With a dual timeline of pre and post crisis and some well developed sub plots of a mystery surrounding Lily and Kate’s search for her biological mother. This really does have something for everyone.

My personal opinion is that nature has a way of fighting back and controlling the population. Cure one disease a new one will pop up but nature can also help with finding the cure.

The timing of this book couldn’t have been better or worse depending how you view it and it wasn’t surprising that a lot of it was based on actual medical research. I really admire how much work has gone into this as you can tell from the writing just how much research the author has done herself.

However it was the little things that really surprised me with this book. Not being able to touch plants, thorns and spikes no longer exist as they have been genetically modified so you don’t get scratched. The end of life poison being made to taste like your favourite tipple. It’s the little details that make this a truly outstanding book and a highly impressive debut.