A review by scostner
Batman/Superman, Volume 1: Cross World by Greg Pak


The mix of alternate worlds, interfering aliens, different versions of Superman and Batman, and the women - Selina, Lois, and Wonder Woman - combine to form an intriguing story line. What if Bruce and Clark had met as children and become friends? How would that change their lives as they grew up? Do couples wind up together in all the alternate worlds, or could different versions choose a different mate? If an alien was trying to lure a powerful creature somewhere that it could be killed, which version of Earth would it choose? Would the older and wiser superheroes stand a better chance, or their younger and angrier versions? Add in all the magnificent artwork and you have a really good book. The additional material at the end includes alternate cover designs, preliminary sketches and rough drafts that are a great bonus for fans.

This is a recommended read for DC fans and for those just dipping into the world of comics and graphic novels.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.